Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Daffodils & Hope"

Daffodils & Hope, Looking Back, Looking Forward

Sometimes it's hard to stay positive. When the rain comes, day after day, and the skies are grey. I often have a hard time keeping a positive outlook, knowing the possibility of difficulty that lies ahead, looking back at mistakes that may have made a difference, if only they hadn't been mistakes. Then again, maybe those mistakes helped me learn enough to make a difference.

The world can be a difficult place to be....to exist....to prosper. We face multiple decisions every day. Choices and chances, all of which could lead us to a positive beginning, or if we choose not to go there, close the door on something that could have taken us further than we'd ever dared dream. How, in the grey mist, do we choose the right path?

Simply turn on the news, and you'll find story after story of tragedy, heartbreak, suffering. Yet, once in a great while, there is a reminder of the things that are truly right with the world. A glimmer of something wonderful comes through the screen, and hope is renewed. Someone saved a life today, someone offered a helping hand, someone made a difference....someone cared. Yes...hope.....it is more than just a powerful word. It is what helps us believe in ourselves, believe in our future, and in the prospect of whatever lies ahead. Hope.... allows us to believe everything will be OK.

There's no doubt, we're in a difficult time. It won't be said that the year 2009 was the best in history. Yet, we can make the choice to look at this time positively, as a chance to grow, to flourish, to bloom. We can choose to wallow, or we can pick ourselves up, and choose to utilize this time to do something good. What if... we were to become something new, something exciting, something we've never imagined possible? What if... we could step through the rain, watch the clouds drift away....and slowly and steadily reach our tiny pedals into the warmth of the sun. What if... in some small way, we could help someone else get there, too?

The lessons in looking back are valuable, they teach us where we no longer want to be. They help us to understand where we are, and how we got here. But, dwelling there can not be an option. Our choice, is only in looking forward. So...we gather those lessons, and set out into a future that can be scary, and shadowed, with many unknowns.

We may not have the answers....or know where we are headed. But, hope will help us to break out of the clouds. Can we find the sun.....the yellow, in the grey? I think I'll go look for the daffodils. They're blooming all around us, despite the rain.

"Daffodils & Hope", Blue Butterfly Series #4
8 x 10 Original Oil on Canvas

To purchase this painting, please contact the artist.

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